Stewart Grant

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PhD Student
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Computer Science

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I am in year of my PhD at the University of California San Diego working with Alex Snoeren as part of the SysNets Group. My Research interests are at the intersection of distributed systems, networking, and operating systems. Prior to attending UCSD I completed an undergraduate and master's degree, working with Ivan Beschastnikh, at the University of British Columbia in 2016, and 2018 respectively.

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pc版telegram/电报 连接不上解决方法_hspark的博客-CSDN博客:2021-10-15 · Telegram的主要优势是,它非常安全、免费、没有广告并且功能强大。 对比于其他同类通讯软件来说,在用户体验上做得非常好。 由于国内的微信群上限是500人,监管严格,有些内容被屏蔽,所以想要与国内外建立交流,获得项目资讯,你就需要学会玩 电报 ( Telegram )应用,以下简称 Telegram 。 Repo SmartNIC Performance Isolation with FairNIC: Programmable Networking for the Cloud
Stewart Grant, Anil Yelam, Maxwell Bland, Alex Snoeren
Paper Bibtex Repo Dancing in the Dark: Private Multi-Party Machine Learning in an Untrusted Setting
Clement Fung, Jamie Koerner, Stewart Grant, Ivan Beschastnikh
Published at ArXiv
Paper Bibtex Slides Repo Demo Inferring and Asserting Distributed System Invariants
Stewart Grant, Hendrick Chech, Ivan Beschastnikh
International Conference 免费ssr节点2022
SSR节点免费发放🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 ...:2021-12-5 · 『翻墙梯子公益分享,免费节点科学上网』 ①ssr和ss节点,ios用美区苹果ID账号下载potatso lite客户端Wingy小火箭icetea;Android用影梭ShadowsocksRR大杀器 ②Vmess节点,苹果用kitsunebi,shadowrocket Abstract Repo Distributed Test Case Generation using Model Inference with Dara
Stewart Grant, Ivan Beschastnikh
Poster at NSDI 2018
poster abstract Inferring likely data invariants of distributed systems
Stewart Grant, v2ray高速节点分享, Ivan Beschastnikh
Poster at 比较好的付费ssr节点

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Fairnic (Fair performance isolation on SOC SmartNICs

Fairnic enables Cloud providers to offload their tenants custom applications to SOC SmartNICS. Tenants can effect eachothers performace negativly if not isolated. FairNIC isolates bandwidth, caches, and hardware accelerators.

Dara (distributed dynamic verification)

Dara models distributed systems based soely on state traces. The model is verified using the SPIN model checker against user defined assertions. Dara's can infer new exections not present in input traces and check them for violations of safty and liveness conditions.

Dinv (automatic distributed invariant detector)

Distributed systems are complex and require meticulous development to correctly handle asynchronous execution, and partial failures. DInv is a tool for automatically detecting likely data invariants in distributed systems. Data invariants are useful for verifying the correctness of a system

Distributed Clocks (vector clock library and instrumentation tool)

Vector clocks are useful for reasoning about concurrency and developing protocols. DistributedClocks is an optimized vector clock library for Go, Java, C and C++. It also provides an instrumentation tool for automatically added vector clocks to programs using Go's net library.

TorMentor (anonymous distributed machine learning)

TorMentor is a collaborative machine learning framework that operates through Tor. TorMentor clients participate in a federated learning algorithm. Clients are protected from the de-anonymization of their data via differential privacy.

Dovid (automatic distributed system documenter)

Distributed systems can be difficult to understand from just reading source code. The most integral part of a distributed system is its network communication. Dovid automatically detects network communication and generates documentation for variables which either affect or are affected by network communication.

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  • Faculty Candidate Student Panel Organizer 2019
  • Effective Writing Group Organizer 2019-Present --- Summer '19 | Summer '20


  • 小火箭ssr永久免费节点 (Technical Track Author)
  • SOSP 2019 (Atendee)
  • ICSE 2018 (Technical Track Presenter)
  • PNW PLSE 2018 (Presenter)
  • NSDI 2018 (Poster Presenter)
  • Splash 2017 (Voulenteer)

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Extracurricularly, I enjoy rock climbing, 小火箭ssr永久免费节点, Solving twisty puzzles and watching sumo. I also have a giant softspot for the art of, and influenced by the Preraphelite Brotherhood.

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